Building 3 Responsive Real World Website Using HTML5, CSS3, JS, And Bootstrap 4


  • Expected time: 59 hours
  • Finish day: 20/08/2018
  • Study Plan

Day 1: 12/08/2018

Today’s progress

Finish lesson 1: Why this Course and Course plan

  • Get the purpose of the course
  • List out overall content for the course

Finish lesson 2: Editor

  • Choose for yourself an IDE( VS Code as the course suggested)
  • Discover some built-in features of VS Code
  • Install some package for VS Code

Finish lesson 3: Adobe Photoshop Essentials

  • How to convert a PSD to a full working website
  • Explain photoshop tools


  • Struggle with Git a little bit.
  • The documentation is more time-consuming than expected.
  • Spend some time on markdown hyperlink
  • The markdown preview of VSCode show wrong indentation.
  • Markdown show up in gitlab and atom differently which blocks
  • The lesson is like a walk in the park not as hard as i expected

Day 2: 13/08/2018

Today’s progress

Finish lesson 4: Bootstrap 4

  • Discuss some of the neccessary and most used bootstrap components and ultilities


  • Phew, Pretty long documentation
  • The video is a bit hard to listen

Day 3: 14/08/2018

Today’s progress

Finish lesson 5: Preprocessors SASS vs LESS

  • Find out what is SASS and LESS, why use them and give some examples


  • A little confusion comes from the naming of Sass and Scss.
  • The yarn global add node-sass does not work, use npm install node-sass -g instead

Day 4: 15/08/2018

Today’s progress

Finish lesson 6: Trello The Project Manager

  • What is Trello and why it’s helpful
  • How to use

Finish lesson 7: OpenCharity Overview

  • An overview on the website that we are going to clone

Finish lesson 8: Prepare files

  • Build project folder structure
  • Convert PSD file to some neccessary assets
  • Integrate Bootstrap 4

Finish lesson 9: Linking Files + Implement Style Sheet

  • Link CSS and JS files to index.html
  • Implement CSS of our own with less


  • The Trello lesson is easy.
  • Finding fonts and download them for free is time-consuming
  • The photoshop move tool does not work properly, so inpecting elements to export struggle a bit, attempting to fix it.
  • Lesson 9 is plain coding with no explaination or visual comparision

Day 5: 16/08/2018

Today’s progress

Finish lesson 10: Navbar Part 1

  • Implement styles for Navigation Bar

Finish lesson 11: Navbar Part 2

  • Implement event-handlers for Navigation bar

Finish lesson 12: Header Part 1

  • Implement page header sections

Finish lesson 13: Header Part 2

  • Finish page header sections

Finish lesson 14: Get Involved Section

  • Implement UI for GET INVOLVED Section


  • Just mirror coding without any further explaination

Day 6: 17/08/2018

Today’s progress

Finish lesson 15: Mission Section

  • Implement UI for Mission Section

Finish lesson 16: Members Section

  • Install Owl Carousel 2
  • Implement UI for Member Section

Finish lesson 17: Event Section

  • Implement UI for Event Section

Finish lesson 18: Blog Section

  • Implement UI for Blog Section

Finish lesson 19: Contact Section and Footer

  • Implement UI for Contactc Section
  • Implement UI for Footer

Finish lesson 20: Enhancements

  • Add animation, fix responsive bugs, make changes to UI

Finish lesson 21: Testing

  • Cover some remaining issues about UI, animation,..
  • Increase website performance
  • Do some testing


  • Just mirror coding

Day 7: 18/08/2018

Today’s progress

Finish lesson 22: Recap

  • Review what we have built

Finish lesson 23: 404-Overview

  • Prepare for the 404-penguins-page

Finish lesson 24: Prepare Files

  • Build project folder structure
  • Extract neccessary images from psd file
  • Import in neccessary css.

Finish lesson 25: Start Code

  • Implement UI
  • Styling Page
  • Add animation

Finish lesson 26: Recap

  • Advices on project

Finish lesson 27: Merkury Overview

  • Overview on what are we going to build

Finish lesson 28: Prepare Files

  • Apply Trello steps

Finish lesson 29: Linking Files

  • Link image and library with index.html
  • Apply some custom CSS


  • Spend some time on Trello stuffs

Day 8: 19/08/2018

Today’s progress

Finish lesson 30: Navbar Part 1

  • Implement styles for Navigation Bar

Finish lesson 31: Navbar Part 2

  • Add some enhancements to make our navbar more interactive

Finish lesson 32: Header

  • Implement UI for page header section

Finish lesson 33: Service Section

  • Implement UI for service section

Finish lesson 34: Features Section

  • Implement UI for Features section

Finish lesson 35: Drag and Drop Section Part 1

  • Implement Skeleton for Drag and Drop section

Finish lesson 36: Drag and Drop Section Part 2

  • Implement Style for Drag and Drop section

Finish lesson 37: Template Section

  • Implement UI for Template Section

Finish lesson 38: Pricing Section

  • Implement UI for Pricing Section
  • Remind of Box shadow CSS

Finish lesson 39: Join and Footer Section

  • Implement UI for Join Section
  • Implement UI for Footer Section
  • Remind of :before, :after and display: flex


  • Problem with git pushing, SSH key added but still require manually Authentication, pushing takes too much time, fail sometimes
  • The course does not go into details of CSS keyframe, jQuery and jQueryUI, just mention syntaxes and some functionalities. Research on them later on.

Day 9: 20/08/2018

Today’s progress

Finish lesson 38: Pricing Section

  • Implement UI for Pricing Section
  • Remind of Box shadow CSS

Finish lesson 39: Join and Footer Section

  • Implement UI for Join Section
  • Implement UI for Footer Section
  • Remind of :before, :after and display: flex

Finish lesson 40: Enhancements

  • Make website more responsive
  • Apply some effect to increase smoothness

Finish lesson 41: Testing

  • See what can we improve

Finish lesson 42: Recap

  • Revise what we have learnt so far

Finish lesson 43: Important Tips

  • Share some important tips and advices


  • Problem with git pushing, SSH key added but still require manually Authentication, pushing takes too much time, fail sometimes
  • The course does not go into details of CSS keyframe, jQuery and jQueryUI, just mention syntaxes and some functionalities. Research on them later on.
  • More stuffs to research: flexbox, box-shadow, psuedo classes CSS
  • The guideline on Scroll Reveal section is outdated
  • The deployment and image compressing and speed test take freaking long time

Day 10: 26/08/2018

Some tips on front-end developments:

Folder structure

Step to convert PSD to HTML and CSS

  • Build html files first.
  • Inspect color, font size, spacing
  • Convert font-size, color, spacing to CSS
  • Add animation, effects


  • Add CSS to ensure color and spacing need 1 to 1 precision.

Day 11: 29/08/2018

Config build tools and Steps to create skeleton HTML

New folder structure


The index.js in scripts folder should import style.less

The style.less should include banner, like:

/_ Open Charity style _/

Tips on setting up Build tools


Should hash output filename after build to support auto clearing cache at client


Steps to install

  1. Create gulp folder and gulpfile.js
  2. Install gulp yarn add gulp --ignore-engines
  3. Install require-dir
  4. Config gulpfile.js
  • gulp/util.js: for logging
  • gulp/concat.js: concat files
  • gulp/gulp-size.js: Alert file size after build


Gulp’s tasks naming:

For development: scripts:vendor:compile

For production: Add prefix production

Create Skeleton HTML

Prepare resource:

  1. Open design file with Photoshop
  2. Resize PSD file if it’s too large using Image/Image Size…
  3. Extract color, fonts and images and note down/save them

Connect resource to our project

With fonts

Always include all font type : oet, woff, ttf for cross-browser support

Suggest fontsquirrel to generate font kit from one file type

The font kits from internet usually include demo document, use their css to quickly define fonts

With color

Use to name color and turn colors into less variables

Define color class for text and background

  • Text: .text-


  • Background: .bg-



With image

Rename them to describe where they would be used in website

Naming convention: Using _ to separate words, __ to represent child component

Ex: Image used for item 2 of section 2: section_1__item_2.png

Writting HTML

Name class and id right:

With class

Follow Semantics UI: primary button, facebook item, facebook item-1

With ID

Use _ to separate words and ** to represent child components: `footer**social_links`


  • Class and ID should be used mixed.
  • Classes are used for common styling, describing component
  • IDs are used for quicker queries.
  • Writing HTML should avoid over thinking

Day 12: 07/09/2018

Today’s progress

Perfect pixel website without resizing design file

Front-end tips and tricks

Introduce some linting tools and optimize tools


Perfect pixel website without resizing design file

Scale down screensize for fitting PSD file better

Front-end tips and tricks

How to use padding and margin properly:

  • Padding should be used for nesting containers
  • Margin should be used for adjusting spacing between elements
  • Margin must not be used together with position
  • Tag containing background should be put on top of its container

How to use button and a tag with class button properly:

  • a with class button tags should be used for navigating
  • button should be used for form and action only

Naming convention update:

  • .list should contain .item
  • .row should contain column
  • Avoid abbreviations to keep template semantic.

Introduce some linting tools and optimize tools

Some linting tools to be applied in near future:

  • ESlint
  • CSSlint
  • Husky + lint-staged

Linting configuration file: .editorconfig

Some linting tools for reference:

  • prettier

Optimizing tools to be applied:

  • Minify CSS.
  • Minify JS
  • Minify HTML (experimenting)

Some Optimizing tools for reference:

  • (developing)

Day 13: 12/09/2018

Today’s progress

Naming convention update

Front-end tips and tricks

Some strays on the modern web design world

Introduce some web optimization techniques

Introduce regression test


Naming convention update



.title (For section, for card),

.content(For section),

.description(Esp for card),

.meta(Additional information, use with descriptive classes like time, date, price, discount, wrapped with <span>),

.action(For button),


.row > .column,

.list > li.item

Front-end tips and tricks

New rules:

  1. Restrict on using .container-fluid, using .container and override @container-md ,@container-sm, @container-sm
  2. Using css class for defining fonts
  3. Color and background color class pattern: color-[color-name], background-[color-name]
  4. Bootstap .rows should be only applied to .row > .columns
  5. Font’s filename: "Font-Name.[ext]"
  6. font-family define: 'Font Name'
  7. Using CSS over JS creating animations

Template structure:

Some strays on the modern web design world



Some popular Design Systems

  1. Bootstrap
  2. Zurb Foundation
  3. Semantic UI

States of digital websites

  1. Full (Interacting)
  2. Loading (Interacting)
  3. Error
  4. Error
  5. Empty
  6. Edge cases

Introduce some web optimization techniques

With Javascript

  1. Minify JS
  2. Obfuscate JS (encode to avoiding reversing)

With CSS

  1. Minify CSS
  2. Critical CSS (determine some important CSSes to be applied before all CSSes are loaded to create First meaningfull paint )
  3. Remove unused CSS using


  1. Minify

With Images and fonts0

  1. Compress images and fonts

Introduce regression test

Apply regression test and its importance in frontend development

Day 14: 3/10/2018

Front-end Tips and Tricks

Understand Webpack

Sample project: Merkury Dashboard

A config file are required: /config/webpack/config.js

const appRootDir = require('app-root-dir').get();
const path = require('path');

// Includes all your webpack bundles in the body using script tags
// support template loading
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');

// Make sure some asset is include in the output of HtmlWebpackPlugin
const HtmlWebpackIncludeAssetsPlugin = require('html-webpack-include-assets-plugin');

// Copies individual files or entire directories to the build directory
// Simple pattern { from: 'source', to: 'dest' }
const CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');

// This plugin extracts CSS into separate files
// It creates a CSS file per JS file which contains CSS
// It supports hot reloading (HRM) of CSS and SourceMaps.
const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require('mini-css-extract-plugin');

// Search for CSS assets during the Webpack build
// and will optimize \ minimize the CSS (by default it uses cssnano)
const OptimizeCssAssetsPlugin = require('optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin');

// Require by OptimizeCssAssetsPlugin
const cssnano = require('cssnano');

// ADD SOME TOOLS FOR MAKING webpackConfig more declarative:
// getIfUtils, removeEmpty (remove undefined object)
const { getIfUtils, removeEmpty } = require('webpack-config-utils');

const { ifProduction, ifDevelopment } = getIfUtils(process.env.NODE_ENV);

const BUILD_DIR = path.resolve(appRootDir, 'build');
const APP_DIR = path.resolve(appRootDir, 'source');

const webpackConfig = removeEmpty({
  // Modes, required by webpack 4
  mode: ifProduction('production', 'development'),
  context: appRootDir,
  // where the webpack start crawling to figure out which files to be
  // bundled up
  entry: [
  // Hashing is supported by HtmlWebpackPlugin
  output: {
    path: BUILD_DIR,
    filename: '[name].[hash].js',
    publicPath: ifDevelopment('/'),
  // spit out error or warning about performance-related issues
  // Ex: image with large size...
  performance: {
    hints: ifProduction('warning', 'warning'),
    // hints: ifProduction(false, false),
  // A source map provides a way of mapping code within a compressed file
  // back to it’s original position in a source file => easier to debug
  devtool: 'source-map',
  // Define loader used for specific file types
  module: removeEmpty({
    rules: removeEmpty([
        test: /\.(js|jsx)$/,
        exclude: /(node_modules|vendors\.js)/,
        use: [{
          loader: 'babel-loader',
          options: {
            cacheDirectory: true,
        test: /\.html$/,
        exclude: /node_modules/,
        use: ['html-loader'],
      // MiniCssExtractPlugin should be used without style-loader
        test: /\.css$/,
        use: [
          ifProduction(MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader, 'style-loader'),
        test: /\.less$/,
        use: [
          ifProduction(MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader, 'style-loader'),
        test: /\.woff2?(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
        loader: 'url-loader',
        options: {
          limit: 10240,
          mimetype: 'application/font-woff',
        test: /\.ttf(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
        loader: 'url-loader',
        options: {
          limit: 10240,
          mimetype: 'application/octet-stream',
        test: /\.eot(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
        loader: 'file-loader',
        test: /\.svg(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
        loader: 'url-loader',
        options: {
          limit: 10240,
          mimetype: 'image/svg+xml',
        test: /\.(gif|jpg|png|ico)(\?.*$|$)$/,
        loader: 'file-loader',
        test: /\.swig$/,
        use: [
            attrs: ['img:src', 'link:href', 'source:src'],
            minimize: false,
        test: /jquery\/src\/selector\.js$/,
        loader: 'amd-define-factory-patcher-loader',
      }, {},
  // How webpack identify path to modules
  resolve: {
    modules: [
    extensions: ['.json', '.js', '.jsx'],
  // What information to show when build run
  stats: {
    assets: false,
    cached: false,
    cachedAssets: false,
    colors: true,
    version: false,
    hash: true,
    timings: true,
    chunks: false,
    chunkModules: false,
    entrypoints: false,
    modules: false,
  // Init plugin objects
  plugins: removeEmpty([
    new CopyWebpackPlugin([{
      from: 'source/scripts/vendors.js',
    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
      // template: './source/templates/index.swig',
      title: 'Merkury Dashboard',
      filename: 'home.html',
      template: `${APP_DIR}/templates/pages/home.swig`,
    // new AddAssetHtmlPlugin({ filepath: path.resolve(APP_DIR, 'source/scripts/vendors.js') }),
    new HtmlWebpackIncludeAssetsPlugin({
      assets: ['vendors.js'],
      append: false,
      hash: true,
    ifProduction(new MiniCssExtractPlugin({
      filename: '[name].[hash].css',
      chunkFilename: '[id].css',
    ifProduction(new OptimizeCssAssetsPlugin({
      cssProcessor: cssnano,
      cssProcessorOptions: {
        discardComments: {
          removeAll: true,
      canPrint: false,

module.exports = webpackConfig;

Remmember to install all required plugins and loaders

Gitlab CI with Surge autodeploy integration

Step 1: Create a .gitlab-ci.yml Step 2: Update .gitlab-ci.yml

# requiring the environment of NodeJS 8.9.x LTS (carbon)
image: node:8

# add 'node_modules' to cache for speeding up builds
  - node_modules/ # Node modules and dependencies

# The project use bower also
- npm install --global bower
- yarn install

# allow-root option for execute command with sudo
- bower install --allow-root

# Minify vendors.js using gulp
- ./node_modules/.bin/gulp production:scripts:vendors:compile

  stage: deploy
    # Define env Variable for Gitlab
    NODE_ENV: "production"
  - npm install --global surge
  - ./node_modules/.bin/webpack --config ./config/webpack/config.js
  - surge -p build/ --domain
  - master
    - build

Note: Surge auto deploy require authetication, so add SURGE_LOGIN(value: your surge email) and SURGE_TOKEN(achive by running surge token) to gitlab Secure variables(Project Settings -> CI/CD -> Variables)

Setup Docker

You need three files:


Define context to run build

version: '3.2'

      context: .
    tty: true
    - ./:/code


Define docker image to use, setup container

FROM mkenney/npm
RUN mkdir /code
ADD . /code


Define directories not to be wrapped in container

..... Some thing more ........

Build command: docker-compose build to construct docker container Get container’s name: docker-ps SSH to container shell: docker exec -it <container_name> bash

Day 15: 4/10/2018

Front-end Tips and Tricks

Practical project:

Bower with gulp vendor.js compiling:

bower config:

  "directory": "source/vendors/",
  "scripts": {
    "postinstall": "gulp scripts:vendors:compile"
  "storage": {
    "packages": ".bower/packages",
    "registry": ".bower/registry",
    "links": ".bower/links"
  "tmp": ".bower/tmp",
  "strict-ssl": false


  "name": "",
  "description": "",
  "main": "index.js",
  "authors": [
    "Duy Pham<>"
  "license": "MIT",
  "homepage": "",
  "private": true,
  "ignore": [
  "dependencies": {
    "jquery": "^3.3.1",
    "font-awesome": "4",
    "scaleapp": "^0.4.3"
  "overrides": {

gulp config:


'use strict';

var gulp = require('../gulp.js'),
    gutil = require('gulp-util'),
    mainBowerFiles = require('main-bower-files'),
    notifier = require('node-notifier'),
    concat = require('gulp-concat'),
    removeComma = require('gulp-trailing-comma'),
    size = require('gulp-size'),
    uglify = require('gulp-uglify'),
    rename = require('gulp-rename')

var sizeOptions = {
    showFiles: true

gulp.task('scripts:vendors:compile', function(){
    return gulp
            filter: ['**/*.js']
        .on('end', function(){
            notifier.notify({message: 'Compile vendors packages successfully'});
            gutil.log('Compile vendors packages successfully'));

gulp.task('production:scripts:vendors:compile', function () {
    return gulp
            filter: ["**/*.js"]
        //remove commas


var config = require('../config.json');

config.paths.absolute = {};

//generate absolute paths from relative ones
for(key in config.paths.relative){
    config.paths.absolute[key] = __dirname + '/../' + config.paths.relative[key];

//prepend path to browserSync files filter
for(key in config.server.browserSync.files){
    config.server.browserSync.files[key] = + '/' + config.server.browserSync.files[key];

module.exports = config;


var gulp = require('gulp'),
    plumber = require('gulp-plumber'),
    gutil = require('gulp-util')

var gulp_src = gulp.src;
gulp.src = function () {
    return gulp_src.apply(gulp, arguments)
        .pipe(plumber(function (error) {
                // Output an error message
                gutil.log('Error (' + error.plugin + '): ' + error.message));
                // emit the end event, to properly end the task

var gulp_watch =; = function () {
    return gulp_watch.apply(gulp, arguments)
        .on('add', function (file) {
            gutil.log('File', file.path, 'has been added');
        .on('change', function (file) {
            gutil.log('File', file.path, 'has been changed');
        .on('unlink', function (file) {
            gutil.log('File', file.path, 'has been removed');
        // More events.
        .on('addDir', function (file) {
            gutil.log('Directory', file.path, 'has been added');
        .on('unlinkDir', function (file) {
            gutil.log('Directory', file.path, 'has been removed');
        .on('error', function (error) {
            gutil.log('Error happened', error);
        .on('ready', function () {
            gutil.log('Initial scan complete. Ready for changes.');

module.exports = gulp;

Day 16: 7/10/2018

Front-end Tips and Tricks

  • Gulp and Webpack
  • The development process
  • How to commit it right

Why Gulp and Webpack?

Frontend used to be server-side rendered

But gradually, the frontend became more complex, the codebase grew bigger, harder to manage => Raise the need for modulation (code separation), concatenation (connect piece of code after modulation) and minification (size down code base)

Then NodeJs was born:

Task runners appeared to solve these problems: 2 popular task runners at the time

  • Grunt: Configuration over convention
  • Gulp: Convention over configuration

Package managers: Manage your libraries

  • npm
  • bower

Task runners

Grunt - The old way

How it works ?

  1. You have a few less files
  2. You compile them to CSS
  3. Minify them
  4. Save them to disk
Gulp - The new generation

Powered by the Node Stream API

Node Stream API is well explained here

Gulp inherit the pipeline architecture, configuration uses pure javascript using node stream API

gulp.src.pipe(function() {})
.pipe(function() {})
.pipe(function() {})
.pipe(function() {})
.dest(function() {})

The processing is called composition, executed based on an AST tree of the source code. The composition concept is inherited by Surge, Netlify and React Redux also

AST tree crash course here

In Gulp 4, they introduced parallel pipe

A resembrance is Continuous Uploading/deployment

But, the codebase is not only about JS, it consists of lots of template and Stylesheets too. That’s why they invented module bundlers

Module Bundlers

There are 3 module bundlers with different approach that you should consider:

  • Webpack
  • Rollup
  • Parcel

The comparison, strength and weakness of each can be found here


  • Webpack 4 has some problem when bundling package managed by bower.
  • Two old bundlers: RequireJs and Browserify

Development process

  1. Build Dev Environment
  2. PSD to HTML Conversion
  3. Assure Responsiveness
  4. Optimization (Can be integrate with step 1)
  5. Deployment

Personal weakness: Improve look and feel, balance spacing between elements

When cloning

  • Keep html structure intact
  • Font, image, script, style folder should include a folder named ‘legacy’ to contain all files we copy
  • Remember, sometimes third-party UI frameworks can override styles from legacy because they are always include first

How to commit it right

The commit should reach the standards below:

  • At least contains verb
  • Meaningful
  • Transparent, avoid ambiguations